Wednesday, 22 August 2012

Moving into performance

Over the last few months, my work has moved from installation and objects to performance.  I am as shocked as anyone, but on reflection, it makes a lot of sense.  I have a background in performance, and worked with a theatre company for 10 years, doing improvised storytelling. I don't know why performance hasn't occurred to me before.

On the other hand performance isn't something I've seen much of.  I've always been a bit afraid of it.  But I was very inspired by Marina Abramowitz at the Whitworth Gallery a couple of years ago, when she brought together a number of performance artists. I also saw the show she curated at the Manchester Art Gallery.

And one of my supervisors has been saying for a while that she feels my work is performative.

So I started by experimenting in a student crit, and that went okay so I have been looking at potential sites at the hospital for performance. I've been very lucky to have had access to some of the parts of the hospital that are now closed and which are very evocative.